What is MIRAPeel?
MIRAPeel is the future of all medifacials. It is a revolutionary serum delivery system developed in Germany that pairs two cutting-edge
technologies,wet abrasion (orHydrafacial) and wet microneedling, into a single treatment to help repair, clarify, hydrate and nourish aging skin.
MIRAPeel can address a variety of skin concerns including fine lines, wrinkles, volume, hydration, age spots, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.
It will leave you with a smoother, more radiant complexion.
For the first time in Gujarat only at Whiteroot.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are quick lunchtime treatments used to treat acne, mild scars, sun spots, fine lines and for glowing skin. A chemical solution containing AHA (alpha hydroxyl acids) and BHA (beta hydroxyl acids) is applied to your skin which leads to softer and younger looking skin.

Botox injections are shots that use Botulinium toxin used to relax a particular muscle temporarily which smoothes the wrinkles in that area. These are quick lunchtime procedures used to treat frown lines, crows feet, gummy smile, smokers lines, forehead wrinkles, Teeth clenching , jaw pain and also to treat excessive sweating in underarms,palms and feet.
Fillers are basically hyaluronic acid which is naturally found in our body.They add fullness to the areas that have thinned due to aging and hence reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Commonly used in lip , cheek and under eye areas. Fillers are also used for non surgical reshaping of nose (NON SURGICALRHINOPLASTY) and jaw line.

Laser Hair Reduction
Laserhairreduction is a must go forevery individual who wants a permanent hair removal in any part of the body. It is a painless and precise treatment wherein the laser light is absorbed by the melanin in hair and converted to heat energy which in turn destroys the hairfollicle.
Carbon Laser Facials/Hollywood laser peel
Carbon laser facial also known as Hollywood laser peel is the only facial that uses pico lasers to lighten the skin and stimulate collagen production at the same time. CLF also clears pores to reduce whiteheads and blackheads, tightens large pores and thus reduce fine lines too.

Thread Lift
Thread lift is a non surgical procedure that gives instant lift to sagging aging skin and also stimulates collagen production. Medical grade self dissolving PDO (Polydioxanone) and PLCL ( poly-L-lactide caprolactone) threads are placed underthe skin to pull the skin into position. It is a completely safe lunchtime procedure with excellent results for jawline lifting, nasolabial fold lift orlifting marionette lines.
Non Surgical Brow Lift
Brow lift can be achieved non surgically with excellent results using a combination of Botox, fillers and threads as per the individual requirement.

Vampire Facial
Vampire facial is a unique antiaging facial that has gained popularity because it uses PRP (platelet rich plasma) derived from the patient's own blood to boost collagen production. Hence the name. PRP is full of natural growth factors that promote healing and give a radiant and youngerlooking skin. It has great results in treating melasma , under eye dark circles , sun spots and scars.
HIFU Skin Tightening
High intensity focused ultrasound is minimally invasive antiaging procedure that uses ultrasound waves to tighten the facial skin.Key benefit ofthis procedure is that it is non surgical and gives a smoother skin with mild lifting ofthe sagging skin.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)
In IPL acne treatment, short pulses of intense light is emitted onto the skin, which is absorbed by the skin layers killing the acne causing bacteria. Thus reducing inflammation or excess sebum production.
Photofacial uses intense pulsed light to improve the colour and texture ofthe skin. It treats sun spots,redness, spider veins and also acne giving a flawless looking face.

Fat Lypolysis Shots
Fat lipolysis injections involve injecting PPC (phosphatidylcholine) and deoxycholate in areas with stubborn fat which reduces the number of fat cells near the injection site. They can be used in areas like chin, lower abdomen,underarms,thigh and hips.
Laser Depigmentation And Tatoo Removal
Pico second Q switched lasers create an invisible beam oflight that specifically target the brown melanin pigment and tattoo pigments without affecting the surrounding skin. The pigment absorbs the energy and is fragmented within the tissues.

Fractional co2 Laser resurfacing
Co2 lasers work great for patients with excessive scars and uneven skin. As the name suggests, it resurfaces the skin to give it more evenness and a radiant smooth skin.
Bb Glow Treatment
BB glow is a non surgical procedure in which a tinted pigment is applied using nano needles to penetrate the skin.This gives the skin an even tone and colour. The bb glow serum adds nutrients as well as your desired colourto the skin.

Brow Microblading
Microblading is a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattooing in which a blade shaped tool with multiple soft needles is used to crea te hair like strokes along your eyebrows while depositing the pigment matching to your hair colour in to your skin. It gives a much natural looking brow compared to eyebrow tattooing which looks more artificial
Permanent Lip Blush
Lip Blusing is a semi-permanent tattoo that can enhance the color and shape of your lips and give the impression of more fullness. This is done by depositing color ink into your lips and along your lip line to improve the overall look. The color is subtle to give natural-looking results.